How Long Does the P Shot in San Diego Treatment Last?

A minimally invasive procedure called the P Shot in San Diego treatment can increase virility and solve a number of issues that may be harmful to a man's sex life and close relationships. The P Shot uses the body's own platelets to increase size, sexual urge, and staying power. It was called after the Greek fertility god Priapus.

The P Shot can deliver long lasting results without the risk of adverse response or irritation that can happen with other creams, pills, and procedures that promise male enhancement because it uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) taken straight from your body. Additionally, PRP naturally contains proteins and growth factors that activate the penis' stem cells, promoting cellular repair and regeneration. The health, circulation, strength, and size of the penis are ultimately improved by this stimulation of collagen creation, which also causes the generation of new blood vessels and tissue.

P Shot Treatment In San Diego Results

The P Shot is a treatment that offers apparent benefits within one to six weeks with results that can persist for as long as two years, unlike many fast acting, transient treatments for male enhancement. In some cases, the P Shot in San Diego might produce benefits practically immediately since the body naturally grows bigger and longer in response to treatment. As your body naturally absorbs some of this fluid, these immediate effects may appear to fade; nonetheless, new tissue formation will continue over the course of 12 weeks.

What to Expect During Your P Shot Treatment in San Diego

It's vital to remember that the therapy itself only lasts two to three minutes, and that the complete procedure, from platelet extraction to injection, takes less than 15 minutes. Although some people decide to take the day off of work to allow enough time for the process, the P Shot is an outpatient, in office procedure that only takes a few minutes and allows you to resume everyday activities nearly immediately after.

When you arrive at Harmony Healing, you'll be shown to a cozy, private procedure room where you'll be told to lie down. Before starting the process, your healthcare provider will administer a numbing lotion or ointment to the genital area and wait for it to take effect for your utmost comfort. As this takes action, a quick blood test will be performed, usually from your arm or another painless location.

To enable platelet extraction, the blood sample will be put into a test tube and spun in a centrifuge. Following the removal of platelets and plasma from the blood, the platelets are given a calcium gluconate solution to activate their innate ability to mend. Then, the solution is put into syringes for injection.

Only a half-inch, 30-gauge needle is used to provide the injections at five different locations along the shaft of the penis. The injections only take a few minutes, and the majority of patients can go home an hour or less after the operation.

Are P Shot Results Permanent?

All patients hoping to get advantage from this therapy have one fervent inquiry: Are the effects long-lasting? The short answer is no, the outcomes are not a long-term solution to the problem of dysfunctional male sexual health. However, just because something isn't permanent doesn't mean it won't last a long time. In fact, this treatment for ED produces the benefits that persist the longest of the myriad alternatives.

The half-life of an erectile dysfunction medication is maybe 24 hours. The effects of this procedure persist far longer than a single day. Results from a single therapy with this injection can last for a period of between 12 and 18 months. That represents an improvement in erectile and sexual health of more than a year.

When Will You See Results?

This treatment's outcomes will develop gradually. Many men report an improvement in sensation and sensitivity within the first 24 hours. Men's sexual drive and ability to maintain an erection both improve within two to three months. After around 3 to 4 months, the treatment's full effects become apparent, including a discernible improvement in erection quality, sexual drive, and erectile sustainability, as well as notable gains in length and girth.

How Frequently Will You Need Treatment?

To sustain the effects of this treatment, we often advise males to have a scheduled annual treatment once a year. To start seeing improvements, which typically happen three months after the first treatment, some men will need more initial sessions. How effectively the injection addresses your sexual health difficulties will determine how frequently you receive treatment. We'll work with you to choose the frequency that best suits your needs and objectives.

What Are the Benefits of P Shot Treatment?

For this particular treatment, more of a good thing leads to better outcomes. In fact, the effects of this procedure build upon one another, so the increased blood flow and collagen formation that result from it will be better over time and with additional injections. After several regular treatments, some men report a 10% to 20% improvement in the length, girth, and curvature of the penis.


Is P Shot Safe?

Contrary to other ED therapies, this one is safe for males and has no unfavourable side effects. Because the injection is made with the patient's own blood plasma, there is absolutely no risk of an allergic reaction or unanticipated side effects, which contributes to the treatment's safety.

What Can This Treatment Help With?

However, it can also assist with other sexual health issues. This medication is helpful for managing the lack of feeling and decreased sex drive associated with erectile dysfunction. For instance, Peronei's disease, which can alter the penis' curvature when erect, is frequently treated with this method. Other sexual health concerns that this treatment can help with include:

  1. Penis girth and length
  2. Ability to have an erection
  3. Ability to sustain an erection
  4. Premature ejaculation
  5. Low sex drive
  6. Decreased sexual stamina

Is This Treatment Right for All Men?

This therapy can be effectively replaced by a wide range of different erectile dysfunction drugs, physical pumps to enhance blood flow, and synthetic hormones. Because alternative treatments for male sexual health have a higher risk of side effects, many men prefer this shot to address their sexual health issues. For any male who is suffering problems with his sexual health, this therapy is generally the best option.

Who Are Good Candidates?

The majority of guys are best suited to this treatment because it is safe for all males. After a physical examination and a thorough discussion of your symptoms, especially your sexual drive and performance, we decide which patients are qualified. Any male who has not found success with conventional treatments for sexual health issues qualifies for this Treatment.You may be a good candidate if you want to:

Increase sensation

Improve sexual interest

Revitalize erection quality and sustainability

Share more intimacy with partners

Benefit overall sexual health


About P Shot in San Diego

P Shot Benefits

The P Shot uses growth hormones present in your blood to hasten your penis' recuperation. During this process, Dr. Kat takes a sample of your blood and spins it in a centrifuge. This procedure concentrates platelet-rich plasma, which contains the blood's healing elements (PRP). When injected into a problematic area, PRP triggers the body's natural healing process to begin. Dr. Kat gives the P Shot Treatment to your penis using a tiny needle and PRP to restore blood vessels and muscle tissue.

As healthy tissue returns to your penis, you can experience several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced sensitivity

  • Improved blood flow to the area

  • Increased sexual stamina

  • Stronger and firmer erections

  • Increased length and girth of your penis

  • Fewer chances of premature ejaculation

Following prostate cancer surgery, sexual dysfunction can be treated with the P Shot. The Priapus Shot, however, does more than just enhance your sexual life.


Even though it affects many guys, erectile dysfunction is not the only problem. Fortunately, it has been shown that other problems like urinary incontinence and discomfort in the prostate can be lessened by the P Shot. When combined with the P Shot, these cutting edge techniques effectively firm, tone, and strengthen tissues.

Dr. Kat also suggests obtaining the Priapus Shot for Peyronie's disease, a disorder that causes painful, bent erections and scarring inside the penis. Over time, this issue's potential side effects of pain and penis bending may develop worse. When used to treat Peyronie's disease, the P Shot has a 75–80% success rate in straightening penile tissue and improves its strength, health, and circulation.


Your P Shot appointment with Dr. Kat is a simple and quick process. You could feel a little uncomfortable as she draws blood from your arm. The rest of the process usually goes without any pain.

Before injecting PRP into your penis, Dr. Kat first applies a local anaesthetic to the injection site. This ensures that you'll be comfortable when taking your P Shot San Diego. Even though some men see results from the Priapus Shot right away, it usually takes three to four weeks to see changes. The best results start to show after three months, when healthy tissue begins to regrow in the affected area.

To find out how the P Shot can help you, contact kat khorrami, MD in  Allurant Medical SPA and Wellness right now or book an appointment online.

Who is a good candidate for a P-shot?

The P shot has a good response rate in patients with erectile dysfunction. Studies show that it is most effective for people who have had success with oral medications but aren't seeing the same outcomes with them. Candidates should not have significant erectile dysfunction and should not have responded to oral medications or injectable therapy. Patients with erectile dysfunction brought on by prostate cancer surgery are likewise unlikely to experience success with the P shot. It has also shown some benefit in Peyronie's disease patients, despite the paucity of data on this.

How much does a P-shot cost?

We offer a reasonable P Shot Treatment Cost in between $1200 to $1400 per injection. This single injection gives six times as many platelets as the typical PRP techniques employed by the majority of providers. You will ultimately pay much more for a less effective treatment as a result.

How often does it need to be done?

The P shot usually lasts at least a year, and the majority of men only need one injection. One year or every six months, however, may be all that some men require from an injection. If the first injection was successful, a second one may be recommended three to six months later. If the initial injection is unsuccessful, it is unlikely that additional injections will be beneficial.

When can I have sexual relations after the P-shot?

If there are no complications, men are permitted to have sex the same day as the injection.

What complications are there and what can I expect after the P-shot procedure?

Because the procedure involves injecting your own plasma back into your body, there is very little risk. Even though infection is a relatively uncommon side effect, there may be minor bruising or brief discomfort for one or two days.

Will the P-shot increase my length or girth?

It won't lengthen your penis as a result of this treatment. Because the main goal of the surgery is to boost blood flow to your penis, which will enhance the firmness and longevity of your erections, it can enlarge your circumference. It will, however, only enlarge to your customary girth after you are fully upright. There is no limit to the size of your penis that your tissues can sustain.

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